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The Antichrist

Dr. Robin Harfouche has often been asked by New Agers and Christians alike, “If the enemy [Satan] puts sickness on you, why would he want to take it off through New Age believers?” Her answer: “It works because it’s deception. If Satan puts an illness on a person and then removes it through ‘white light healing,’ onlookers are deceived. They are turned away from the Truth of Jesus Christ.” In her interview with CALLED Magazine, Robin further emphasized that the New Age Movement embodied the spirit of the antichrist; a spiritual adversary that fulfills biblical prophecy. In the First and Second Epistle of John, the words “antichrist” and “antichrists” appear four times. According to Apostle John, “many antichrists” belong to the same spirit but serve a singular purpose: to deny that Jesus is the Christ; God incarnate. In 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, Apostle Paul also alerts believers about the antichrist spirit:

“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way [...]. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.”

In their article (Is Modern Spirituality a Path to God or a Clever Deception?), Drs. John Ankerberg and John Weldon purport that the “New Age of enlightenment” is, in fact, a return to ancient forms of pagan spirituality. “The dangers are not recognized today for a variety of reasons,” the authors put forth. “In America we tend to be isolated culturally and historically; we have little sense of the harmful consequences of paganism demonstrated throughout history in almost all cultures. Also, the names have changed. For example, what were once commonly accepted as dangerous witchcraft practices are now frequently seen as expressions of ‘human potential.’ Finally, the categories of true and false spirituality are often confused. Even occult practices may be seen through the lens of Christian presuppositions and redefined as something godly,” Drs. Ankerberg and Weldon continue.


Robin HarfoucheAlthough Christians are often inclined to engage in theological debates with New Agers, Dr. Robin Harfouche admonishes that believers avoid this proclivity. “You cannot have a conversation with someone who is caught up in the New Age Movement because it comes from a spirit of intellectualism,” Robin shares. “New Agers have a false sense of being born- again. It’s called ‘enlightenment.’ That‘s what being ‘born again’ is to New Agers. When they are born again, they become enlightened. You cannot intellectually convince a New Ager to be a Christian. It’s impossible. Everything that they believe comes from the realm of the intellect.”

Instead of going intellectually head-to- head with a New Age believer, Robin encourages Christians to engage in battle through prayer and spiritual power. “It goes back to the empowerment of the believer,” Robin states. “The power of Jesus Christ destroys every yoke. It doesn’t matter if it’s a witch doctor in Africa, if it’s a witch doctor in an Eskimo community, or if it’s a New Age channeler. It all goes back to the empowerment of the believer. The power of Jesus Christ is the anointing that destroys it all. By tapping into the spiritual power that we (as Christians) have been given through Jesus Christ, we gain the authority to trample on principalities of blindness and darkness. As Christians, we are called to battle things spiritually, not intellectually. This is about breaking the yoke of something that is trying to destroy the world.”

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